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Tableaux: Scenes from the Decade of Excess


SIGNED by Steve Diet Goedde - A collaborative book from author Dominic Jay and photographer Steve Diet Goedde who contributed 20 of his early black and white images to illustrate the novel.

It is 1984, the year of Ronald Reagan’s re-elec­tion and the Brighton bomb; rev­o­lu­tion is in the air. Oliv­er Woolf is a thir­ty-some­thing writer, whose com­fort­able rou­tine is upset by a chance encounter in the rain. The girl in the rain is Can­dy, who is not what she first seems. Over the sum­mer, Oliv­er and Can­dy form an unlike­ly friend­ship, and when she stops call­ing on him, he sets out to find her. His search draws him into a labyrinthine sex­u­al under­world, where he meets some­one who will change his life for­ev­er. A late-twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry Rake’s Progress, Oliver’s jour­ney tra­vers­es the 1980s fetish and BDSM club scene and con­fronts issues that are still large­ly taboo. With pho­tographs by Steve Diet Goed­de, Tableaux com­bines art and sto­ry­telling in a new hybrid form.

"Read­ing Tableaux was like revis­it­ing old haunts, or places I would have liked to have haunt­ed. It sparked vis­cer­al sense mem­o­ries and made me nos­tal­gic.
And the end­ing …" – Midori, sex­u­al philoso­pher and social catalyst

Dominic Jay is a for­mer arts jour­nal­ist. His pro­fes­sion­al life gave him priv­i­leged access to peo­ple and places that are usu­al­ly off lim­its, and some of the scenes in this, his first, nov­el are drawn from life. As he says, ​‘all writ­ers are voyeurs’.

Steve Diet Goedde’s first instinct was to become a film­mak­er. Only slow­ly did his atten­tion turn to pho­tog­ra­phy. His first book, The Beau­ty of Fetish (1998), brought him crit­i­cal acclaim and a loy­al fol­low­ing, which he has enjoyed ever since.

For INTERNATIONAL orders, please email Steve at [email protected]. Int'l rates vary from country to country and can be quite expensive.

If you would like a PERSONALIZED signature, please send an email to [email protected] when you order your copy and let him know. Thanks!

21.5 × 13.5cm
8 ½ × 5 ¼ in
20 b&w photographs